Guest post: by my bestest (I may regret this)

Darling readers, I may yet regret this… voici, je vous presente a guest post courtesy of my bestest who self confessedly knows little about ballet beyond what I babble at her. She does know about knitting and cake though. And she’s super duper. Her name is Bert, she can be found here. We’re off a vancances-ing to Paree in the morning and I am off to have a shower right now, hence my dubiousness about allowing her a guest post opportunity whilst I’m out of the room. Be nice!

BONJOUR all this is Bert speaking.

Ballet go twirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl bendy pointy stretchy twiddly twirrrrllllllllllllllllllllll and again non?  Ok maybe there is more to it than that.  I’m sure ballet mostly involves food, non?  Pas de bourree is clearly pass the butter and frappe and echappe are surely a new frothy coffee and let us not speak of entrees, which are tasty tasty starters.  I think fondu speaks for itself (cheez!).  I’m now off to saute some potatoes.  Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

P.S.  as a brand bass player their was once in a little brown book a pasodoble called The Ballerina.  I loved it then, and now it is my bestest in music form.


Filed under random stuff and nonsense

5 responses to “Guest post: by my bestest (I may regret this)

  1. Gem

    How did I not know that you two both had blogs?! Off to google reader you both now. Also, Bert is right. Ballet is blatantly all about the food.

  2. Liz

    I think you explain ballet beautifully!

  3. I forgot to mention Ballet For Band. But then I have erased the whole Baritone (ugghhhhh) months from my life. Being a TENOR HORN PLAYER.

Get to the pointe...